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Change a child's story . . . become a Piedmont CASA Volunteer

Piedmont CASA incorporates trauma-informed, resilience-based practices and responses into every aspect of our work. CASA Volunteers are prepared to actively promote appropriate interventions for our boys and girls. These approaches are generally relationship-based, and focus on healing and supporting the child-parent relationship. Staff and Volunteers are able to assist the court and child welfare system in ensuring safety, appropriate placement, and the services necessary to ensure physical health, mental health, and educational stability.

The thousands of hours of advocacy that are donated by CASA Volunteers each year save Virginia money on child welfare expenses by reducing long-term placements, subsequent victimization, and re-entry into the foster care system. Most importantly, children and youth with Piedmont CASA Volunteers have a better opportunity to break the cycle of abuse and neglect, and become stable, productive adults.

Piedmont CASA Volunteers remain unique in their ability to stay with children throughout the life of a case. Even when social workers, foster parents, and schools change, CASA Volunteers do not – thus providing important continuity for the child.

As a program, Piedmont CASA is unsurpassed in making use of our community's most valuable asset, its citizens, who as Volunteers donate their time in service to abused and neglected children. A byproduct of this engagement is a better-informed community.

Piedmont CASA is the only organization providing this service, and we do not charge fees.

Change a child's story


Piedmont CASA

Piedmont CASA, 818 East High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902     434.971.7515     Fax: 434.971.3060

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